HAMPI Estonia
The list of persons with restrictions on gambling (HAMPI) is managed by the Tax and Customs Board and compliance with it is mandatory for all gambling operators holding an operating permit in Estonia.
The purpose of the list of persons with restrictions on gambling (HAMPI) is to offer players the opportunity to restrict playing games of chance, toto and classical lottery. At the same time, a person can choose which type of gambling he or she restricts.
Before allowing a person to play, gambling operators must check the list for a restriction and ensure that persons who are prohibited from playing are not allowed to play the games on which they have imposed a restriction.
All gambling operators holding an operating permit in Estonia, must have the third-party API (HAMPI API) integrated into their igaming platfom system to check whether the player (if opted) is listed in the self-exclusion database of Estonia Regulatory office as part of compliance standards.